Sunday, November 2, 2008

waking up

there is so much more to life than what seems.

today, i woke up to the sound of tennis balls hitting asphalt. the sound of screen doors sliding open to let in the santa ana winds. the sounds of small dogs barking at birds, fellow dogs or cats in the distance. the sound of children playing on the green grass outside my apartment. the blinds let in just the right amount of light. i could taste the newness of the day.

2 months ago. today i woke up to the first of five prayers. to the chants of submission of devotion. i woke up to the massive faith of an entire nation, willing itself for God. i woke up to the smells of hummus and pita. i heard the breeze hit my balcony window. the eerie chants lingering in the hot air.

3 months ago. today i woke up to a melting pot of religion. to the high and lows of Buddhist monks straining to find breath. to the smells of new rain and trash. today i woke up and scratched the redness off my skin. to the creaking fan in my grandmother's house. to the many dogs barking at no one. i woke up to the familiarity of home. the smells of fresh tea and curry cooking in the kitchen.

a year ago. today i woke up to the sound of reggae music barreling through tin walls. the sound of clothes being dashed against rocks in attempts to be clean. i woke up to the husky belts of women singing as they nursed their children and cooked ugi. i woke in the arms of a beautiful man, dancing and singing to the sounds of his heritage. to the smells of simplicity and the stench of abject poverty. to the humility of not knowing.

a year ago. today i woke up to the sounds of mariachi music and sirens. to the screams of children playing at 7am because their parents had to drop them off 0ne hour early to make their three jobs. i woke up to the sounds of helicopters flying in the distance and car horns. to the smells of community and faith. i woke up to the newness of justice and the veracity of servanthood.

three years ago. i woke up to the sounds of girls singing in the distance. to the smells of fish, rice and adobo. i woke up in the humidity of it, the smell of morning. i woke up to the clinks and clanks of dishes as breakfast was being prepared. i peered out my window and saw the piles of tin and cloth, called home. the rivers of dirt, debris and dreams laying stagnant next to a city of greed. i woke up to the sound of women trying to be free.

before. i woke up to the screams, the frustration in my blood's voice. the tension of love misread and misheard. i woke up and heard the slams of doors, the breaking of glass, the bruising of skin. today i woke up to the ominous silence of uncertainty. the richness of fear and the vulnerability of childhood. today i woke up to the past.

now. i woke up and thought, what's the purpose? what is my end goal? what is the point of my existence? there is a deep longing for meaning. i wake up and search for it everyday. to figure out why God allows what He allows. Why God permits what He permits. Why God says no when i desperately want a yes. today i woke up and i asked...why?

1 comment:

I came to live out loud. said...

"For a long time it had seemed to me that life was about to begin. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life."

This perspective has helped me to see that there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the journey you take and the problems you face.

So, treasure every moment that you have. And treasure it more because you shared it with someone special, special enough to spend your time with... and remember that time waits for no one ...

So stop waiting until you finish school ... until you go back to school ... until you lose ten pounds ... until you gain ten pounds ... until you have kids ... until your kids leave the house ... until you start work ... until you retire ... until you get married ... until you get divorced ... until Friday night ... until Sunday morning ... until you get a new car or home ... until your car or home is paid off ... until spring, until summer ... until fall ... until winter ... until you are off welfare ... until the first or fifteenth ... until your song comes on ... until you've had a drink ... until you've sobered up ... until you die ... until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

Happiness isn't just bliss, it's getting back on the horse after you've fallen off. It's rising out of the ashes when it seems like there's nothing left.