Friday, September 30, 2011

My Testimony

Haiti part 2:

Hi everyone. My name is Shannon and I want to share about my recent trip to Haiti. Before I begin, a little background: I am a nurse and I went to Haiti on a medical mission through Azusa Pacific University to provide health care in the villages of Northern Haiti.

The fusion of providing health care and serving the poor has been a dream of mine for six years. I have wanted to start a mobile clinic to deliver health care to the most unreached parts of the world. When I graduated nursing school, I asked some of my friends to pray for me and commission me into the profession of nursing. As one of them prayed, my calling was further confirmed. He had a vision of me at the edge of a large river with swift currents. He said I would have to cross this river in order to reach the people I was called to serve. He said on the other side, there would be people waiting for me, because I am meant to love and serve them.

For six years, I have been praying, waiting, studying, saving money, getting rejected from medical school, getting three degrees, all so I could get to those people. On the second day of my trip in Haiti, there we were. I couldn’t believe it! We had to cross a large river to get to a remote area of Haiti where people were waiting for us. They had walked over 5 hours to arrive there for medical care. Many of them had no access to medical care because of the rough terrain they live in.

I stood in front of this river, large currents, cholera-infected. We were required to cross it barefoot because the current would wash our sandals off. It was then that I remembered that vision. In that moment, I realized I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

In that moment, those six years of waiting didn’t matter. All the longing, the heartache, the locked doors, the many No’s faded away. God’s greater Yes always trumps the other No’s. As I crossed the river, I experienced so much joy. When you are in the center of God’s will and living out what you were born to do, He enables you to make unprecedented sacrifices even risking getting cholera. God put that Spirit within me. I arrived at the clinic and we treated over 100 patients and actually saved the lives of three children that day because we were able to transport them to the hospital and give them needed medications. They were in fact waiting for us.

I share this because I am sure many of us have dreams and visions for our lives. Perhaps God told you what you are to do or who you are to be in His kingdom years ago and yet your reality doesn’t seem congruent with what you have heard and been promised. But I want to encourage you and say that our God is always faithful. He will never fail and His word will never return to Him void. His timing is perfect and He will always come through.

And when He does, the pain of that labor leading up to the birthing of your destiny and calling will not only be forgotten, it will be worth it.

I want to leave you with one word I got while in Haiti from Isaiah 49: 1-4

See I gave this testimony weeks ago. But today more than any other day, I needed to remember it. Live it. Revel in that moment. Because it reminds me that God will always come through. He knows the desires, the deepest longings of our hearts. His promises never fail.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Till I get there

Today could easily be dismissed. Trivial in the grand scheme of things. But I choose to recognize it. To create an altar so-to-speak. To give praise to a God that knows not the bounds of time.

Today was my first official day seeing patients as a nurse practitioner student. I can't fully explain the elation I felt putting on that lab coat. Cleaning the bell of my stethoscope. I looked in the mirror and wanted to cry.

Many continue on into advanced practice nursing because they want more money, it's the next step, they for some reason want a master's degree, etc. However, being an N.P isn't anything like that for me. It's not the next best thing. It is THE thing. I dreamt about this moment since I was five.

The moment I could put on a lab coat, hang my stethoscope around my neck, and help people. It's all I have EVER wanted. 22 years I've wanted it.

God reminded me of how far I've come in a dream the night before. I was in front of a group of strangers recounting my tragic rejection from med school. The long, grueling journey through community college, nursing school, needle sticks, sleepless night shifts, tear-filled days at work, upteen amount of schooling, all leading up to that "greater yes." The perfect product.

God's yes wasn't getting into medical school right after college. That was indeed my yes. No, God's yes included: medical clinics to Mexico and Haiti, bracelet projects in Kenya, nursing at the bedside, teaching, leadership, mentoring, lifelong learning.

I forgot where I came from. From when I was a unit secretary and couldn't stand the smell of patient rooms. From when I first walked into a patient room and was terrified. From my first injection. From passing the NCLEX. My first time as an independent nurse. My first mobile clinic.

And now today.

It felt so very right. The greater yes always will.

So today, I don't long to get "there." Instead, I praise God for where I am NOW.

For how far He has brought me.

And how faithful He is to see me through all the way.
